I have this complete nagging feeling like I missed something yesterday, but then again maybe it was just the feeling like 1.15.03 would be a good date to post to the blog. Then again it's also 3 months until tax day. There's another thought for you. But the nagging feeling seems like I've missed someone's birthday...
The other day at work I was handed a "Sneak Preview" of George R.R. Martin's newest book "A Feast for Crows". (Which is his 4th book in the "Song of Fire and Ice" series.) So I read the 20 some odd pages of his newest book (still in "manuscript" form) and it was great. However, when I emailed the guy who gave it to me to send in my review (Dave, from Random House) he emailed me back and said that Mr. Martin had been lax on getting his story in, so the release date is now September! From April to September. That seems like a horrible long wait. Oh well... I'll hold off on reading book 3 then until the summer. =)
Tomorrow promises to be a busy day, even though I happen to have the day off, it will most likely find me back here at school in the AM for some labs, and then maybe up to Western in the evening.
Now off to actually working.
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