Thursday, November 8

Prayer Meeting

November 25th at 7pm at Crossroads Bible Church. (Directions can be found on the website)

You are all invited to Crossroads at 7pm on November 25th, the night before my surgery, for some prayer for me as I go into surgery and the recovery process afterwards. The event will be held in room 130 (on the left side of the building) it has a private entrance through the courtyard that people are asked to use.

I threw one of these together before I went into chemo and it was really encouraging to me in such a scary time. I appreciate all your prayers, no matter where you are, but I would like to get some of you together to lift me up in prayer as I go under the knife the next morning.

You don't need to RSVP, all I ask is that you put it on your calendar and think about coming, or if you can't make it pray from where you are. It's really the only thing that we can do to fight this.

Thanks again.



  1. Ben, thanks for your words. I don't think I will be able to make it to your prayer time:) But, I will pray. I have been teaching on Fear over here in Zambia as there is much of it in light of AIDS and witchcraft and much, much more. I have learned that the command "Fear Not" or like it is in the Bible 365 times, one for each day of the year. I started a blog and I am attempting to go through chronlogically every verse that commands us not to fear. I would love your comments and/or would love for you to join with me, to give me your insights, whatever... You are a great writer and I think some of the blog thoughts about the verses would be enriched by your thoughts... Either way, you are on my mind... Take care!

  2. Ben, I am sorry I will not be there in person to pray with you. But know that my thoughts and prayers are with you, even as I am over here in DC. I would enjoy your prayers and well. Life seems determined to be completely complex along with school being busy. I pray that surgery be swift and careful, and the surgeon be blessed with wisdom and grace in working on you. -Malia

  3. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Hi Ben,

    Sheri and I will be coming back from Northern California that Sunday and Thanksgiving with family there. If we get back in time, we will join you all. We were so blessed by the prayer time for you at the Massingill's at the start of this process!


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