Sunday, August 23

Savory Summer Pie

You are looking at what I have affectionately given the name of "Savory Summer Pie". It was something I threw together this evening with some kitchen assistance from my lovely assistant, Lisa.

The recipe looks like this, and I would encourage you to give it a try. Lisa and I probably could have finished off the whole pie between the two of us. (I had Honey Ice cream in the queue as well, so we couldn't get too stuffed.)

Savory Summer Pie:
2 1/2 ears of corn (kernels cut off the cob)
3 grilling onions (small onions, sliced)
2 cloves of garlic (minced)
2 slices of bacon (roughly chopped)
1 Anaheim pepper (de-seeded and cut into thin rings)
3 cups spinach (roughly chopped into bite-sized pieces)
1 yellow squash (thinly cut)
1 can of cream of chicken soup
2 tablespoons butter (unsalted)
1 pie crust
Freshly grated Parmesan cheese
Salt and Pepper to taste

Bake the pie crust as desired. Chop, slice, cut veggies and bacon and mix together. Add salt and pepper to taste. (NOTE: other ingredients in this recipe can be pretty salty, be aware of that as you season the veggies. They might not need the salt, but apply the pepper.) Pre-heat BBQ and place a cast iron skillet over the heat. Preheat skillet. When hot put the 2 tablespoons of butter into the cast iron and then add the veggies and bacon mix. Put the lid on the BBQ and check/ stir the veggies every 10 to 15 minutes. When the veggies seem good and cooked (to a nice soft consistency, it took me almost 2 hours) add the cream of chicken soup and stir it into the mix. Cover BBQ again and wait until the mixture is bubbly and hot. Transfer to the pie crust and empty the mixture into the crust. While still hot cover with grated Parmesan cheese. Serves 2-8 depending on what else you might be eating.

I did this on a wood powered BBQ with mesquite wood. The point of doing it on the BBQ was to flavor the veggies more than you might get on a stove top. To add more meat to this recipe in the future I would pull out the bacon and add some form of ham to the mixture.

Overall it was really good, and while it took longer than I anticipated it also tasted a LOT better than I anticipated. I also made honey ice cream for dessert. Guess what I like to do when I am trying not to think about things tomorrow. (Oncology)


1 comment:

  1. ish! but my husband would LOOOOVE this. Anything with bacon or cream of mushroom = love. you ALMOST had me at the fresh corn though!


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