Tuesday, October 20

Slower to update

Updating has been more difficult the past few days than I imagined it would be. Chemo is a wall, and yesterday I hit that wall. I was in the infusion center for probably 5 hours and I got fluids and chemos and other drugs, and then about 30 minutes after leaving the center I got horrible queezy and and also got a mean headache. This lasted all night long and then proceeded to the evening where about 1 I was awaken by my body telling me I HAD to get up and go to the bathroom. I didn't... but every 30 minutes my body got some kind of bizarre fascination with making me do this.

When I got to the infusion center this morning I had a nasty headache and was feeling pretty sick. They hooked me up (some of the nurses had never seen a groshong before, so I got to be show and tell) and started pumping fluids and anti nausea meds, and pain killer and chemo into me. Felt a little better, but I'm back to feeling queezy now.

I really need some prayer to help moderate this stuff. I don't want to spend my day here, and then groaning in bed at home for the next 2 weeks.
