Wednesday, July 28

Fun with GPS or Don't Laptop and drive @ the same time

I got the GPS device I ordered yesterday. It didn't work at home so I was starting to worry I got a dud and couldn't use it. On the way to work today I thought I would try it. Low and behold it works. I can sit there and drive and watch my little car icon move around the map! Kind'a cool!

Anyway, work is now over. I'm gone.



  1. And of course you'll want to do some geocaching on your trip... with your brand new GPS... In a perfect area for it... The road!

  2. Anonymous7:27 AM

    The thing is it's only a GPS reciever. WHich means it has a USB plug on it and it goes in my laptop. I guess I could geocache by sticking the reciever to my head and walking around carrying my laptop. Maybe I'll see if any of the places I am staying have them.


  3. Anonymous9:52 AM

    So did you end up getting satellite radio stuff? About the GPS stuff - it's cool...when it works. Mine and Dad's experiences have been very up and down, because often enough our GPS positioner doesn't work under trees (great for hiking in the Cascades? Yeah right!), but then it's not as if major freeways have heavy tree cover.

    What kind did you get? I'd be interested to hear how pleased with it you are as you use it more.

    - KF -

  4. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I got El-cheapo Brand X! (IE: All the box says is "GPS Mouse Reciever") No company name or NUTH'n. Cost me $64. That's how cheap it is. Yes Garmin has some nice GPS stuff, however I don't have, nor want, to spend that kind of money when a $64 device will suffice. (I noticed the tree thing as well, however I will be on roads and once past the cascades I don't think they really know much about trees.)

    Oh, but so far the expirence I have had with it has been good. It took it about 20 minutes the first time I turned it on to locate a bunch of Sat's but after that I could turn it off and on without the 20 minute warm up.


  5. Ah for the good old days of big clunky Magellans with monstrous antennae. Like the one I just sold: I got a satellite signal in the basement of a house located conveniently under tree cover. Absolutely no accuracy beyond 40 feet or so, but hey, whatever. I'd like to see you with yours taped to your head, though. Maybe if you covered your head in foil first it would improve reception... Also I hear that if you make beeping noises it helps...

  6. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Beeping... yes... hmm this is good stuff Joel.



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