Tuesday, November 10

Here's how it goes

They have canceled chemo for me this week. Iy seems they want me to see several other specialists. They said I shouldn't be vomiting as much as I have been, so they'd like me to see a doctor about that. And somehow they got the impression I was having tons of headaches (I don't remember having any more headaches than normal) so they want to MRI my brain again.

Other than that they want me to rest and get better, and they will see me next week.

Last night was really rough. I don't know if it was something I ate, breathed, or looked at, but it felt like I had been punched in the stomach really hard and the "heavy meds" I had didn't do anything for the pain. This morning I'm feeling better, but no where near where I would like to be.

I would appreciate it if you could pray for pain management, and also that the doctors would be able to pin down why I am still feeling so ill some of the time. And that I would recover quickly from all this.
