Thursday, February 25

Battle in the body

Chemo is bad enough for the body without adding heavy doses of antibiotics and tearing little lines out of my body. I'm not quite sure what it is about extended stays in the hospital either. They really do a number on me emotionally. I know I could really do without them.

This week will complete 4 weeks without chemo. Seeing the doctor tomorrow and most likely starting up chemo again on Monday. I feel like I've just been out of chemo for a week or so though energy wise. We'll see how the weekend goes. Should be getting a new groshong installed on Monday morning as well. Gotta get that chemo in me somehow.

Lisa has been super great as I have been an emotional wreck. I think perhaps she is handling everything better than I would if our roles were reversed. I am glad she is handling it though. I would have a hard time doing any of this without her.

You can continue to pray for my strength, doctor's wisdom, and the effectiveness of the drugs they are giving me. Oh, also, Lisa and I came up with an idea while I was in the hospital last time, and that was for me to have a "project" something semi-long term that I can work on that can keep me/ my mind occupied. I would also ask for prayer for finding out what that is.

Thanks for your continued support.
