I talked to a dietitian yesterday morning. We mainly focused on how I can gain weight. She threw out ideas like adding more high calorie snacks between meals. The other suggestions were pretty much things we are already doing. (Cooking with oil/ butter, drinking things like juice instead of water, drinking the meal supplements, not dancing so much, etc.)
Lisa and I have also kind of casually been looking at alternative eating solutions. Not like I am opening up the door for suggestions or anything. Just something to add the list to pray for for Lisa and I. I can't really try a lot of this stuff while on chemo because it tends to neutralize the chemo before the chemo can neutralize the cancer. I also can't try a bunch of different solutions (Raw food diet, PH balance, etc) at once or one at a time to see if they "work" or not. So when I get free of this chemo stuff we need to pick an option. So we need prayer for wisdom. (Not links for juices that healed cousin Andy, or anecdotal evidence from the internet.) Thanks team for the support.
In other news I received today a very generous gift of a chunk of Roquefort cheese. I am very much looking forward to making some dressing from it, but also enjoying some on a cracker. Hopefully it's high in Calories. Thanks!
Spent the morning "working". (meetings) So I shouldn't be too surprised I am tired right now. Thanks for the support and prayers!