Monday, September 27

We love nurses

I'm up too late answering emails! All these nights at the hospital have made me nocturnal, it seems.

In any case: Ben was definitely better today than he has been in the past few days. He coughs less often and his humor is back. He did have a bronchoscopy, which went fairly smoothly down his throat and should give the various doctors involved a clearer idea of the microscopic activity in his lungs. Afterward, Ben ate a large hospital meal which he gave two thumbs up.

All moving plans are on hold until Ben really starts recovering, but that's okay. At least we've found an apartment.

By the way, I highly recommend reading "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan which I finished today - but don't read it unless you are ready to pray and examine your heart! Reading the books of Philippians and Colossians after was an excellent follow-up, where God encouraged my overwhelmed self and also challenged me to give daily decisions to the Holy Spirit. It's difficult to admit, but all these challenges really are forcing us to rely on God more - which we should welcome gladly, rather than kicking and screaming.
