Saturday, December 25

Merry Christmas

Good morning everyone and a Merry Christmas!
I've seen the numbers on this site (well, I do own it...) and I know there are a lot of you that read this. Both in RSS, and on Facebook as well as on the site itself. I hear from a certain number of you every so often but I also know there are a bunch of "silent partners" out there. I want to let you know that I appreciate all of you. I hope that you get something from this blog no matter who you are or where you might live.

I have a Christmas request to make of you, my reader. Could you take the time to go to the website ( and leave a comment on this post? I'd really consider it something like a Christmas card from you to me. Swing by, drop a little note and a signature and let me know you're out there. (EX: "Hey Ben, Merry Christmas. -The Farmers, Tulsa, OK) Facebook readers this means leaving Facebook to leave a comment. Please AND Thank you.

I'd really appreciate it. Thanks everyone and a Merry Christmas to everyone! (Whether I know you by name or not)
