Monday, November 8

This is going to be a long one...

It's going to be a long week.
Monday: Ancient Civ test,
Wednesday: Latin and A math profishency test,
Friday: Bible test (over the Old Testiment) and a 2 page outline (plus sources) for my Ancient Civ paper.

Yes, I will have to do some juggling of my time to get it all in. (Plus work) The biggest kicker to this week is Tuesday Halo 2 comes out for the XBox and Dustin has already kind'a planned a party around it arriving at the apartment. I am thinking I will either need to find a 24 hour coffee place, or I will simply drive over to the UW and make use of their 24 hour Library. (For all your studying needs!)

Last night, while I was studying the History Channel (which by the by has a pretty nifty "what happened on your birthday lookup on the main page) was running a special on Alexander the Great. So I thought to myself, "Cool, this will be ufn to watch sometime, I'll simply let my computer copy it and I'll watch it later!" Little did I know that it was 3 hours. It took up 8.3 gigs on my hard drive. When there were 30 minutes left of the program I had 23 minutes of recording time left so I was deleting files off that drive so I could make it all fit. Which now comes to an interesting point that I have no idea when I am going to have time to watch it.

I also have my classes figured out for next quarter: Interpersonal communication in the morning, then Latin 102, then right after that is Advanced Grammer (of the English variety), and then on Wednesday's from 3:30 to 5:50 I have "Imaginative writing". (I can't imagine what that means...)

It's funny, I got 4 hours of sleep last night with all the studying I was doing. Dustin went to bed before me, got up after me (after hitting the alarm 6 times) and left for class before me. (However in his defense he was at a Jr. High event all weekend.)

Also saw "The Incredibles" on Saturday. The animation is just that, incredible. Don't know though, I was kind'a tired while watching it, but it didn't seem as funny as other Pixar stuff. It was fun and engaging, but I would say it's no "Finding Nemo" box-office wise. (There, no that I have said that it'll go on to make millions and Pixar is going to owe me one because of the whole reverse psychology thing.)

Now, I'm off to class...
