Tuesday, May 2

18k SPAM!!!

In the last month I have recieved 18,000+ spam messages!! Boy if I had a dollar for every spam message... (I wish)



  1. Anonymous7:24 AM

    As of this morning my spam filter has 18370 "flies" stuck in it's Gmail "spam/fly" paper.

    I wonder if there is anyway I could CHARGE these people to put spam in my mailbox. Even at 25 cents a message that's about 4500 a month. (Which comes to 55k a year) Not a such a shabby income.

    Perhaps I'll look into this...


  2. holy crap thats a ton. Is that all for just one email address? My gmail includes my gmail account and my other main email account and I only have 1/10th of the spam you get

  3. Anonymous7:16 AM

    My yahoo account feeds into my gmail account, and that is where all the SPAM comes from. (I could just go to Yahoo instead of using gmail and get roughly the same number)

    gmail has a better spam filter than yahoo though, so it catches more.


  4. Ben said: Ok, I’ve got to know, what 3 things are you most looking forward to finding out from E3 this year?

    You mean you don't already know? I'm waiting to find out what else there is to reveal about the Rev!


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