Friday, September 8

Live from Bellevue...

It took me 3 hours of hardware time yesterday and another hour or two of software time, but my new computer is up and running. It's pretty fast, but it's fast like an expensive car at the moment. Yes, you KNOW it can do zero to 60 in 4.5 seconds and reach a top speed of 250mph, but you haven't tested it yet. I need to put it through it's paces. I will gladly accept links of benchmarking utils and I will run them and post the results here for anything you link to. I figure I need to get ahold of some newer video game so I can enjoy the graphics card I've got. (I realized as well that I need a new mouse ("I need a new mouse. One that won't make me sick...") because this one is nappy. (Not sure of the origin of that work, I assume it's from nasty where the S and the letter T called in sick one day and there were two unemployed P's hanging around the verbal department and they got work filling in for S and T. That's an inspiring story. Dreams do come true!)

Anyway, you post the benchmarking utils, I'll run them and get the results to you via here. This is my version of an interactive blog! You get to choose the contents! (BTW: it took windows ~10 minutes to install)



  1. Nappy: Used in London as a synonym for diaper. As in "Snappy Nappy Laundry Service," which cleans cloth diapers for busy mums.

  2. The first place I heard the word "nappy" was when we were in elementary school. It was your friend Loren (weren't you somehow related to him too?).

  3. What are the specs on that bad boy.

    You may have mentioned them in the past but I'm too lazy to look back (search)

  4. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Since you asked...

    Asus P532N-SLI Delux motherboard
    Core 2 Duo E6600 (The one that out-ranks the AMD FX-62)
    2gbs of DDR2 800mhz RAM
    Antec P180 Case (very, very nice case BTW, I would reccomend it)
    500w power supply
    2 36GB Western Digital 10k Sata 1 drives, stripped in RAID 0 for more performance
    A BFG nVidia 7900GT (stock overclocked) w/ 512mb of DDR3 RAM
    And to wrap it all together a new Samsung 20.1" LCD monitor.

    I think that just about covers it.


  5. Jeepers. That's sexy.

    Get you some Oblivion and crank that badboy up.

  6. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Yeah... I didn't want to brag or anything, but Oblivion runs at 1600x1200 pretty well. I dropped it down one level to enable a bunch of effects. It runs just fine. I'm playing another game right now as well where I can run the AA as high as it'll let me at 1600x1200 and it'll play just fine as well.

    It's pretty cool. Things just work on this machine and I don't have to pull my hair out wondering if they will load or not.


  7. Have you seen screens/vids for Crysis? I'm sure that'll put your machine to the test. But it'll definetly run it better than mine.

  8. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Oh yes, I have been watching Crysis closely since E3.



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