Sunday, July 17

How we Celebrated Six

All dressed up
Saturday was our anniversary. In the morning I made a breakfast as I mentioned in my previous post. Then in the late afternoon Lisa and I headed to a place called Ouisie's Table (pronounced weezee) for dessert. We ended up splitting a BLT (which was amazing) and then shared a bit of chocolate cake and a slice of lemon ice box pie. Lisa was a fan of the chocolate cake, but I have to admit that I think the lemon pie was my favorite. It was like no other lemon pie I have ever tasted before. Really good.

Then following that we decided to head to the Menil Collection which is a free art/ history museum here in town. The Greek, Roman, Byzantine collection and the Surrealist collection was interesting, but aside from that I'm kind of glad I didn't spend money to get in. However we got a bit of a walk in an interesting place in an air conditioned building.

Then on the way home, since we were driving past it anyway, we stopped in at the Chocolate Bar to grab some, well, chocolate. Lisa grabbed a few of their amazing chocolate bars and I got a sampling of their fruit desserts. (Chocolate covered strawberry, pineapple, cherry, raspberry, and blueberries.) Overall a really fun store to wander through. They have some amazing chocolate cakes, a full service ice cream bar, and a candy store.

The dessert sampler at the Rainbow Lodge
This morning (Sunday) we went to church, and then headed to "brunch" at the Rainbow Lodge. The website lead me to believe they specialized in more "exotic" meats on the menu, but I didn't really feel like that was very well captured on the brunch menu. Our table was excellent though. Two sides of our table was windows that looked out onto their big backyard garden and trees. I ended up having a "mixed grill" dish which included Venison and Quail, which was excellent. At the end of the meal Lisa and I ended up sharing a dessert sampler which included a chocolate covered cheesecake "lollipop", a bit of bread pudding, a large spoon of their creme brule, and two very dark, very dense chocolate truffles.

Then it was home for a nap, some housework (apartment work?), and then some Lord of the Rings. (Return of the King) A good way to celebrate our sixth anniversary. Thanks to all the well-wishers, where we thought we would be six years ago and where we are now are nowhere near each other. But really, is anyone ever where they thought they would be six years ago? (Though I do not know I could even have dreamed (nightmared?) where I am now...)

This week includes a PET scan and a visit with my doctor (the specialist who makes us wait for hours). Last I checked my platelets were rising quickly enough on their own that it looks like they might hold back on the platelet stimulator. (The shot that makes me feel like I have the flu) We'll see what the next few weeks hold. I'd appreciate your prayers this week that I would find peace around the PET scan. It's kind of a stressful time as I am faced with news of what my insides are/ aren't doing.

Thank you team.

[ Prayer request? ]