Tuesday, December 4

A thanks to Lisa

 Lisa went out early last night for dinner with her AIA Tours committee and then to a women's night through our Sunday School class. She left a little before 5pm last night and I then spent the evening Christmas-ing the second bedroom/ her office.

The first thing I did was to go down to the apartment office and pickup two rather large boxes I had received from Amazon bulging with gifts for Lisa. I carried the two heavy boxes half way to the apartment and then set them down and panted like I had ran a marathon for five to ten minutes and then carried them the other half of the way plus forty steps up to our apartment.

After the sweat stopped flowing and I could breathe again I went down to the garage and got the Christmas Box out. Repeat huffing, puffing, panting, stair climbing and collapsing. (I was thinking what a great surprise it wouldn't be for Lisa to come home and find me collapsed on the floor four hours later, unconscious, from far over exerting myself.)

The gift idea was that she could open one gift from now until we leave for Colorado for Christmas... so we don't have to lug everything there and back again. So 12 days of Christmas. I labeled each of the gifts from 1 to 12 for the order she opens them in. It'll be fun I hope.

Following the wrapping I got the lights and the garland up around the window. It's kind of our "tree replacement" as we don't have a fake one, and we are only going to be here for a bit of time so the garland gets the lights and a few ornaments.

All this as a surprise and a big "Thank You" to Lisa who has stood by my side through all of this and everything. Who works so hard, both at her job, and at life around home. She's generally doing the work of one and a half people, and sometimes it's two. Thank you darling for all you do for me. I hope this can serve as some small thank you from me. 

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