Tuesday, September 9

I'm back

Hello everyone! I'm back from my vacation in Seaside! Lisa and I spent a week down there with some other people. Saturday through Tuesday my mom and sister were down there with us, just kind'a chillin on the beach. Tuesday and Wednseday Lisa and I went to Bend, OR to see an old pastor friend of ours who had moved back to the Pacific Northwest area. (It's a 5.5 hour drive to Bend from Seaside, and it took us 8 hours to get back) Wednseday evening to Saturday found Ryan, Ingrid, Megan, James, Jeff, Adam, Laura, and Dustin hanging out in the Sandcastle. It was a good time had by all. We enjoyed some sun, some fog, and other odd weather... all in one day. Lisa and I rented some bikes and road around on the beach. (They are the low rider tricycle types) Good fun chasing seagulls.

Oh, on our way back from Bend we stopped in Portland and went to Powells. That place is an amazing book haven. Woah.

Lisa and I got some old fashioned photo's taken while in Seaside as well. I think they turned out pretty good.

Anyway, since getting back it's been work. I've been in recieving all week long moving boxes and shuffling books around. The upside to this is that I am always busy and I don't have to deal with customers, and I ALSO don't have to get dressed in anything fancy! So it's at work at 7am (no comments Dustin) and home by 4pm! Good stuff!

Tomorrow is Lisa's 21st birthday, so after we both get off work we're going to go out to dinner and hang out.

See ya all later!



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