Tuesday, October 3

Hot chai, engagements and a bad vendor

This morning I went next door to the "Green Bean" to get myself a scone and a tall soy chai. The scone was excellent and something I will probably go back for. The chai however was hot. I mean like REALLY hot. It took it an hour to be at a temp I could drink. Next time I will say something a little more about the temp. Make it a tall soy chai at 120 degrees. I'll enjoy it more when I can feel my tongue again.

Word on the street (Facebook) is that my brother is engaged to his long-time girlfriend. Looks like Sheli Lane will turn in the last name for a new one. So lets see: I grew up with one sister, married Lisa and got 2 more sisters. Boys 2, Girls 4. Adam gets married: Boys 3, Girls 5. (Sheli has a brother) I am thinking Beth needs to marry into a family with a bunch of guys. So congratulations to them on the engagement. I however will not really truly believe it until I hear it from them.

Yesterday was a rather tough day as well. The morning started by me being chewed out by an overly emotional vendor when I chose a different vendor for our phone service here at Taproot. I could write on that subject for a while, but I'm not going to continue to think about it. I'm not going to give him anymore time in my life. But even still, I don't do well with people being upset at me and accusing me of things I didn't do. (There is a good way to make a customer!)

Our network has tested Positive for being PCI compliant! Which means I am putting together documents to send off so that we can get online ordering working! Now if only the copy of Small Business Server I ordered would show up, we'd be in really good shape.



  1. I'm hoping yourself didn't find out about your brother's engagement via facebook and you were just using a witty analogy of facebook to word on the street.

    Although a friend of mine just had his girfriend break it off with him and he first found out via facebook. Ouch!

  2. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Yes, I only thought to check facebook after Mom told me about it. There I was treated to some more details.

    That would be a hard way to break it off though Tim. "Hey _________, I saw on facebook you had changed your status to single, is that a mistake? What's going on?"
    "Yeah... about that..."

    Facebook should build in an instant "breakup" notification if you are in a relationship status with someone and they change their staus to "single" or "it's complicated".

    Why in my day we didn't have nay of this breaking up over Facebook. Nope, it happened over IM. Yep. Practically face to face!


  3. Anonymous6:34 AM


    Adam did call me the other night and we talked for a bit. He is really engaged. =)


  4. Anonymous3:52 PM

    This isn't quite the same, but a friend of mine from high school that I've kept in touch with about once or twice a year recently got engaged. I found out not through his blog, but through his gf/fiancee's blog from a link on his blog (which he hasn't updated in over a year). Tried to send him an e-mail but it was returned undeliverable. Guess I'll have to call him sometime.
    Congrats to your brother and you and everyone else deserving of congratulations in this!


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