Friday, September 3

To my lovely wife

I put together an album on Face Book this morning detailing something I have been working on for the past year. This is a Five Year Ring. Here's a little bit about the ring:

"When we (Lisa and I) got married we said that after five years we would get me another wedding ring. So, almost a year ago now I contacted a Jeweler in Woodinville (Foxfire Jewelers) about doing a custom ring for us. I can't say as five years ago we had any idea how much we would have been through up until this point, but I designed a ring with help from the owner that I felt, or at least tried to capture some of what Lisa and I have already been through, and as a statement to what our future together will be.

The ring is made of Palladium, which is a cousin of Platinum, a very hard, yet precious metal. The leaves on the ring are scrub oak leaves. We don't have scub oaks in Washington, but they are all over the place in Colorado Springs. I choose scrub oaks because the trees are incredibly hearty. The leaves of the scrub oak will often stay on far after the leaves of other trees have fallen off, and just about the time when it seems like there aren't anymore leaves left on the tree, spring comes and new leaves appear. The scrub oak also grows in these clusters of trees. The tree doesn't grow alone."

This ring not only represents five years of some crazy times with Lisa, but also the support that everyone has provided for us by gathering around and helping us out. Thanks for the bottomless well of support!


1 comment:

  1. That is really really cool. One thing I love about marriage is how the shared experiences and memories can really strengthen the relationship.

    As an aside: I saw an ad for that Jeweler a few days ago and thought that you'd probably like them. It's nice to be proven right.


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