Tuesday, November 23

The grinch says out!

I was reading over the policies here at SPU regarding Christmas stuff, and it says, very explicitly, (it was in bold) that all Christmas decorations MUST be down by January 3rd. Now what if I want to expirence the joy of Christmas year round!?

Alexander the Movie Essay. You know... the one that got me 3 percent extra credit for Latin, and a stern warning to the rest of you. Please, if you read this please feel free to comment on it in the comments field. I would be interested in hearing what you have to say about the essay and/or the movie.



  1. That's an interesting assessment of Alexander that seems to actually go along with most of what the critics think too. Also when you suggested it seemed like the script had been written disjointedly...it probably actually had been. I've learned that often one scriptwriter will work on it for a bit, somebody higher up won't like it so they fire that writer, and the next one moves in. One person I've interviewed on this topic suggested (not to say he's an expert, but this is something to consider anyway) that a movie with >3 writers is more than likely going to suck. Which could be true if the original writer doesn't do what people want so they're constantly being replaced.

    As for the homosexuality thing... bah. Whatever. Greeks were, as we know, kind of big on that stuff but that's not to say a) It should be dramatized on the silver screen; or b) It has any relevance to the story; or c) There's anybody who wants to see it. Does this strike anybody else as trying to play to the audience's current demand for tolerance?

  2. Wow, you got away w/ saying "butt" in a Christian university paper. So bold and darring of you! : P

  3. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Yes edgy I know! I don't even use words like that in my blog!


  4. Please can you guys tone down the profanity up there? I'm trying to sleep...

  5. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Heck yeah!

    Ooops, sorry.


  6. *SHARP INTAKE OF BREATH* (sounds like 'ssss!')


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