Lisa and I survived our first Christmas away from home. Thank you for your prayers. On Christmas Eve Lisa and took a little drive into the mountains (no snow) and poked around a bit. Then we went to the Christmas Eve service at Pulpit Rock and went through their "candle-lit" service. (We had the candles explained to us for 5 minutes and the candles were lit for no more than one song and it was all over.) Afterwords we went to one of my co-worker's house and we hung out there with their family most of the evening.
Christmas morning we got up and video chatted with Lisa's family up in Seattle.
Then we had brunch at the Cheyenne Mountain Resort with my co-worker, Larry, and his wife. We sat there for a couple of hours and talked and ate a whole wide range of foods. The great thing about buffets is that it is really something that we can't do at home. So many options, getting to sample all sorts of little things here or there, or to go and eat what you like.
After brunch we found a park and walked around for a bit and then headed to another co-worker's house and hung out with their family for a bit. We played some games and talked a lot.
It was a good, if interesting and different, Christmas for us. Thanks for the prayers and support. We're looking into coming up to Seattle sometime soon.
Yesterday we went up to Boulder to the Celestial Seasonings (tea) manufacturing plant. (Lisa was excited) We got to experience the "Mint Room", which was the room where they stored all the mint they use in the tea. (As it is too heavily scented to put around the other flavors.) It was crazy intense. Sticking your face in a mint plant wouldn't even compare. We also learned how they make decaf tea. (Interesting) It was a fun trip, and Boulder seems to be an interesting city we'd like to explore a bit more.
Next week is the start of the new year. I thank you all for your prayers and support this past year and I hope that this next year we can all learn a good deal more about God!
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