Friday, September 18

Continue through it

"The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by his love; He will exult over you with loud singing." Zephaniah 3:17

One of my wife's cousins had this posted as her Facebook status this morning and it really spoke to me. Not knowing off the top of my head what was going on in Zephaniah I took the time to read it over. It comes across as a lot of doom and gloom for Israel, however towards the end of it (this verse) God reaches out to the people and says, "Yes, you've gone through a hard time, but you know what, I was there that whole time. On top of that at the end I will save you from the trials and tribulations that you are going through. I am here for your."

So while the verse is God telling us that He cares for us, it comes at the end of a harrowing time in this book. Granted I wouldn't have learned so much about God and myself if it wasn't for cancer. Granted cancer is horrible, but God is with me.

Despite all the waiting, the needles, the blood, the recovery, the poison (chemo and radiation), and the recovery again despite that long path God is in my midst.



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