Friday, December 11

The next few months

I am feeling really good today. I assume the next few days will be really good, and hopefully a lot of fun.

Monday I start chemo again. Minus one of the three and possibly the second. (Depending on what my platelets will do) The schedule is chemo next week (one or two types depending on my blood on Monday) and then two weeks off, and then another round, and then 2 weeks off, and then another round, and then 3 weeks or so off and another trip to Houston.

We have updated our Care Calendar as well. If you want to help out a bit or just keep an eye on it for what I am doing this week (chemo or not) feel free to.

Calendar ID: 23614
Security code: morrellbud

And of course I will try and keep the site updated, but I will most likely start to loose my sight starting Monday. Maybe not. but it's happened every time so far. Please continue to keep Lisa and I in your prayers. The tumors have reacted, lets continue to hope and pray for continued reaction!


1 comment:

  1. It's too bad you don't have an iPhone. There's a free app that allows you to dictate emails (or blog posts!) and thus far it's pretty accurate. It allows you to modify/fix anything it messes up with a keyboard (that could be Lisa's job). Does the G1 have anything like that? The app is called Dictation and it's made by Dragon (they make the computer software for speech-to-text). Anyways, we'll be praying for you guys!


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