As some of you will have noticed from the picture I posted on Monday, we have a new apartment! Our stuff should be arriving on Saturday, so our apartment will become a furnished (with our own stuff!) apartment.
This will mark the 5th place Lisa and I have lived in since we got married, and also the smallest place (716sqft) we have lived. We're up on the 3rd floor, facing west. We're bound to get some great views of the sunset. We also have a garage, which should protect our car from the many different ravages of Texas weather. (From hot and humid, to heavy down pours, to vandals)
The apartments are only a year old so they are still pretty nice. They have a community pool, BBQs, media room, and workout room. Plus they are just down the street from several places to eat, and right across the street from a movie theater. I have a good feeling about this place. I think God brought us here for a reason. (If nothing else than maybe get me more exercise climbing 40 steps every time I want to go somewhere... )
I'll populate with more pictures as we get setup. On another note I had fried turkey for the first time last night. I loved the texture. If I had to eat turkey that is how I would want to eat turkey. Only I came to realize... I really don't like Turkey that much. Of everything I could be eating turkey just doesn't excite me like it used to. I was at a guys night last night and they were frying a bunch of stuff: turkey, chicken wings, and anything hostess. They had some sides there as well. A fantastic stuffing and a rice, broccoli, cheese thing that I could have eaten for a very long time.
First order of cooking business when we're settled in the new apartment is to make a loaf of bread. None of this "no kneed" stuff either. I'll have my stand mixer so I will be making a nice kneeded loaf of bread. You'll have to stay tuned to see how that adventure goes.
Medically: I have chemo on Wednesday and a PET scan on Thursday. With all sorts of doctor updates the following week. Thanks everyone for the continued support and generosity.