Friday, May 11


I had a friend ask me last night if he should send me emails with Bible verses and other things. The answer is YES. If you feel like sending me a bible verse by all means please DO. You can either leave it here on the site (comments were a bit broken I think they are fixed now) or email me at ben.morrell at gmail dot com.

Thanks again for all the support. Today I get a little more information. (Last night one of the 7 doctors I've been in contact with (the one I haven't seen in person) called me to check up on me and follow up on the case a bit. It really meant a lot that he was able to tell me that the sample from the biopsy had been sent to the UW for further research and those results hadn't come in as of yet. It might be late next week or so. But he was really nice and the fact that he followed up a conversation we had on the phone, not even in person, to see how I was doing really meant a lot.)

Thanks for the prayers and I hope the light of God shines upon you all today!



  1. Anonymous11:44 AM

    "I wait for the Lord, my soul does wait,
    And in His word do I hope.
    My souls waits for the Lord
    More than the watchman for the morning,
    Indeed, more than the watchman for the morning.
    O (Ben), hope in the Lord;
    For with the Lord there is lovingkindness,
    And with Him is abundant redemption." Ps. 130:5-7

    And we wait...

  2. Ben,

    I don't have a verse for you. I just want you to know that we are praying for you, Lisa, and your family (non-Lisa family) every day. We is my family, our small group, your small group, and the entire class of Cross Walk. We love you dearly, and we speak to God about you every single day.

    Ed <><

  3. I just heard about this in the CrossTalk update email, and wanted to let you guys know that I'm praying for y'all!

  4. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Hey Ben-
    Psalm 27 is really cool if you change out "evildoers" and "adversaries" for "cancer cells" and the like. I read it this way and it fits you perfectly...except verse 40 (completely the opposite....praise God).
    Sto pregando MOLTO per te. (I am praying for you LOTS!)

    Peace to you dear brother,

    Diane (in Italy)


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