Monday, May 21

Understanding David

This morning was the closest morning thus far I have felt to "sick". (I'm not sure if that is due to chemicals in my system or an increased metabolism that wants me to keep shoveling food into my system even though I don't feel like it.) Lisa got out of bed and made me a fruit smoothy which helped how I was feeling greatly. She then did her morning things and studied her bible. As she was leaving for the day she suggested I read over Psalm 119.

Psalm 119, besides being the longest Psalm in the bible is not unknown to me. My small group bible study spent a good 3 to 5 months studying it. I listened to it twice this morning via Biblegateway. (click on the little speaker icon to listen to it. (it runs 17:34 but it's very worth it))

During our study I think we took possibly a too "spiritual" look at the chapter. David, or whoever the author was, continually cries out for salvation. I seem to remember we talked about the author wanting spiritual salvation, relying on the promise of God for a savior to Israel. I however think that the cry of the author of Psalm 119 was salvation from death. David wanted to be rescued from the people and things that persecuted him so he could continue the Lords work just as much as he hoped for the salvation of Israel through a messiah.

Psalm 119 cries out for delivery from evil so that the author may continue to be God's agent in the world.

God has brought me this far in life, he's given me a wonderful wife, a great education, blessed me with all sorts of wonderful skills and abilities... I want to survive this to see what, or where, God will have for me next. However the point of my life is God's glory, not my own. However God's glory comes the most I want that. (It's taken me a week, possibly two, to be able to say that and mean it fully.)

God's glory, forever, Amen.

P.S. If you feel like writing me an email or asking a question or you want to know something please fel free to write. I will be spending a lot of time on the couch with my laptop, so I can answer questions or just chat.



  1. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Hey Ben-

    Do you have MSN messenger? My computer won't let me pull up your email address so I have no idea what it is. If you have MSN messenger, could you post it on your next blog?

    It's been really cool to read how the Lord is working in your life and how He is drawing you so close to Him. It seems like your faith is getting stronger and stronger the weaker and weaker your body is. But then again I guess He promised that when we are weak then He is our strength. It's so true how often we read the Bible and think only spiritually when it's also very applicable to the physical. You are so right with how David called out to be saved physically.....people wanted him dead. God saved him and blessed him. I am praying the same for you.

    During this time of no chemo, are the docs going to test to see how well the chemo is working? I have been praying that all the cancer cells are already dead.....the follow-up treatments are just to make sure they stay dead. : )

    Praying lots and lots,


  2. Ben,

    Many of my friends are praying diligently for you as am I. Know that I think of you every day and pray for strength and healing. I know you have a lot of support up there but you have a lot down here too, including people you have never even met. We love you,


  3. Anonymous8:06 PM

    I had a friend call me today to say that while he and his wife were 'devoting' this morning, they came across John 11:3,4 and thought of you. Of course they prayed it for you too.

    So the sisters sent word to Jesus, “Lord, the one you love is sick.”
    When he heard this, Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.”

    It seems like one of the themes I have seen through out this is "For God's glory"

    Should be exciting to see how that glory will be manifest.



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