Thursday, October 11

Better in the Morrell house

Good news, and thank you for your prayers, both Lisa and I are feeling much better this morning. I spent almost the whole day resting yesterday and getting over my headache, and Lisa went to work feeling semi-ok. This morning we were both feeling good and ready to tackle the world.

I think for the time being I am going to keep my work to less than 5 hours a day. Any more than that and I think I get too worn out to actually DO anymore work the next day. Not ideal for me, but 40 hours a week is something I think I am going to have to work up to again.

Speaking of things to work up to I was moving a monitor around the other day and I commented about how heavy it was and then someone else moved it and commented that it wasn't that heavy. (Not like they were way buff either) I guess I have some strength to build back up as well.

I am of two minds about this upcoming scan on Monday. In some ways I want to know how my insides are doing, and in other ways I think I would rather not know. More fear of the unknown. It could be good news, or bad news, either way I find it hard to walk in there because of the potential bad news. The part about this that has really grown my faith in God is the fact that there is really NOTHING I or anyone around me can do to heal me. It is all up to God to heal me. If He has other plans then that is what is going to happen, but this road has been long and strange, and I have more unknown road before me. I pray the Lord heals me and grants me many many more years. (I was commenting to my brother the other day that it would be cool to go to his and his wife's 50th wedding anniversary being as I missed their wedding.)

Thanks for all the love and support you have shown Lisa and I!


1 comment:

  1. Yeah! You'll have to be at Adam & Sheli's 50th in my stead, as I know I won't make it. Hair appointment that day... :)(Hmmm...let's see, I'd be 96...who knows, I might make it!)

    "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust Him, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." I understand your emotions. I'm right there with you. The Lord gave me that verse to hang on to during this next week. Keep trusting.



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