Tuesday, May 7

Lake Crescent

Ben hasn't gotten on his computer lately, so here's a quick update from "The Wife":

The couple of days away at Lake Crescent Lodge were really fantastic.  Gorgeous weather in an amazing place, and we were able to get out and enjoy it!  Plus have some prayer time and conversations with each other that haven't fit in to our hectic and tiring lives of late.  Our souls and relationship were greatly restored.  There were no emergency calls to hospice for Ben, just a couple of necessary naps.  A fun bonus was that we came on opening day, walking up to the Lodge staff taking their season's photo and in festival spirits.  It also didn't hurt that the Lodge has a gourmet restaurant that we supped at twice (eg one night I ordered salmon on a cedar plank with apple compote & tarragon-infused butter, and they even brought me the cedar plank).

On the way back we spent a couple hours with Ben's brother & sister-in-law in Tacoma.  Then on Sunday, a band of angels worship band from Capitol Hill came to play for us and about 25 visitors.  My sister recruited them without having heard them play (she's good friends with one of the players), so we were fortunate that they were talented musicians with a great repertoire & a desire to praise God for his salvation.

But all of the excitement took its toll, because for the past couple days Ben has been wiped out.  He's having more trouble breathing, little appetite, more pain and a lack of focus (though that's largely because of how doped up he is).  I'm encouraged that today was significantly better than yesterday, and that his nurse agrees with me that the big increase in problems is mostly because of how much activity he had for four days.  So, a quiet life for now.  It's a good thing we're used to being at home a lot.

 The best self-portrait of the trip
Singer Tavern Cabins - ours was on the far left
Meadow & Cascade Mountains in the distance
 The view from our front porch (main lodge & lake)
Bovee's Meadow & Lake Crescent
 Ben on the Dock


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