Pictures, as promised! Now, a little note before I dive in here. I took all these pictures at the max resolution with no compression. For the sake of this website I reduced the picture 75% and added compression, so the pictures range from 15-47K, and they are somewhat small. If something should grab your fancy and you find you would like a bigger copy of it just let me know.
Camping first:
- My campsite complete with my tent.
- Me and my campsite. The joy of digital allows one to take good pictures of yourself.
- Clouds. These pictures I have of clouds don't really do them justice, but they still look pretty good.
- Dark Clouds. Remember, these have not been edited in any way.
- Campsite and me, day 2. Yes... I setup the "candid" look.
- Lack Cresant in the morning. I got up early and decided to go see the lake. Amazing blues.
- Me at Lake Cresant. I was standing on a tree when I took this picture and I originally only took one, but then I thought I looked too serious, so I smiled.
- Looking down the lake.
- I ate lunch at the site with this view. This was at the Pillar Recreational Area.
- Steps down to the beach: I thought this would just be a great picture.
- I stopped along the Coast and took some pictures as I drove.
- Here is another coastal shot.
- More clouds from the same day I went to the lake (Saturday).
- This was the start of a great sunset that didn't get captured too well on digital.
- Further Sunset.
As I mentioned earlier I got rained out of my campsite so I came home 2 days early. On Monday my brother and I went to Vancover in Canada and wandered around the city, went to a really nice park, and took some pictures. These are those pictures. Note: I was playing around with the black and white option on my camera, so these aren't in color, and are also available for the asking.
- A picture of the rather rocky beach.
- One of my personal favorites from my trips.
- Some things just seemed like good black and white photos.
- This is another such example.
- A fine feathered friend.
- Vancover was nice, in fact everything was coming up roses.
- A Garden?
- Yep... looks like a garden to me.
- The bench was wet, I couldn't sit down on it.
- Another one of my personal favorites: I like the way it works.
Those are my pictures. If you want big ones, ask. I think I am going to see what I can do about getting the ones I like printed. I think they would look good in my room.
Let me know what you think! Which ones do you like?
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