Tuesday, March 13

They Call me Board-Op Ben

Or not. I haven't really touched a sound board since High School. This picture was taken at work because they needed "warm bodies" to play models for the new wireless headphone system TTC got. (The grant giver wanted a picture, I can only assume my face will be lining some brochure or something for some grant group. When you're famous it's hard to keep track of where your face is.)

Aside: That reminds me of the time I was in Italy with King's Players (the drama group I was in in High School) and we were hanging out with some of the missionary kids and playing basketball. There was a basketball court that was off limits in the area we were in because a group of people were video taping some fancy looking scooter. One of the guys wandered over to where we were (maybe thinking we sounded American? (IE: Loud and speaking English)) and talked to one of the kids who could speak Italian. The kid turned to me and said that they wanted to tape me shooting baskets in the background while they took video of the scooter. So I went into the basketball court and proceeded to shoot some 50 to 60 shots while they rolled tape. I would like to say that I didn't make ONE of them. Statistically I should have hit SOMETHING, but I didn't. I missed them all. When they were done taping they sent me along and as I left the guy taping picked up the basketball from where he had been sitting (further than where I was standing) and sank a shot into the basket. Swish, no rim. Did I feel silly? Yes. Is a blurry likeness of me plastered somewhere in Italy? Possibly.



  1. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I wish I could be famous like you!

  2. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Now, now... no cause to be jealous. You have to take your own fame into your own hands. (And run, RUN!!)


  3. I like the soundboard's visual interface: "Go!"

  4. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Yeah... I'm not sure if Sound board ops are generally pretty slow when it comes to technology and have no idea how to operate a computer or if the programmers had a LOT of extra space and didn't know what to do with it so they decided to make the GO button really large.


  5. I'm voting for the latter.


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