Sunday, February 24

Lazy Saturday evening

Yesterday evening (Saturday) Lisa and I sorted through some of our music CDs, (Including the domestic version of Mancy A'lan Kane's CD "Paper Moon". (How's THAT for obscure? (She sang with Jars of Clay on the song "World's Apart"))) and then we went to Robinswood park and walked around the pond in the mid-50 degree weather. (Making fun of the ducks most of the way around.) Following that we went to church, and then we went out to dinner at a place in Issaquah called, Pogacha. The atmosphere was very warm and inviting, and the food was really good. Lisa and I would both recommend it to you. (Gentle reader with an appetite)

Tonight we are headed to some friends house for dinner, and the Oscars are on, but not sure if I'll get a chance to watch or not. We shall see. I always think it's fun to see people take themselves WAY to seriously.

Oh, in other news we got a notice in the mail... actually it was in 5 parts. (They mailed me 22 pages of text in 5 separate envelopes... now don't get me wrong but would one envelope at something like 1.50 be cheaper than the 2.25 they cost to send me 5 letters?) Anyway, the notice was for my current standing with Group Health and what last year looked like cost wise. Wanna guess how much 9 months of chemo and a surgery cost? (Radiation was in this year) I can wait... go ahead.

Well if you said 207,000 dollars you would be right! PRAISE GOD for health insurance. At my current rate if we had to pay for that it would have taken me about 11 years (if I paid everything I was making) to pay that off. Either that or we could have sold off our condo and maybe paid for part of it. CrAzY. Thank the Lord for His foresight and wisdom. We only had to pay $2500 of that total amount. Amazing.

Lord willing I won't have to be "paying" for things like that anytime soon again. But as this past year has shown He knows best. Keep praying for recovery!
