The pain pills I sucked down on Saturday night seemed to have taken the edge off of the pain and itching I was going through (making me feel crazy). I haven't taken any pain meds since noon on Sunday. Of course I spent a lot of the day yesterday in bed and today as well. I think I finally rolled out of bed around 1, made myself lunch and watched the extended edition of Fellowship of the Ring. Then it was back to bed for some more lay-down time.
There hasn't been much pain the past day and a half or so as I mentioned above, but it sure has drained a lot of energy from me. Didn't think I'd be spending so much "quality" time in bed this week. (Or anytime soon actually)
Lisa and her dad should be hitting Sacramento sometime soon and they are going to have dinner with all the family up there. I am sad to miss them all, but obviously I don't have control over things like this. Tomorrow they are going to make the Sacramento to Seattle run in one day. Should take them somewhere in the neighborhood of 12 hours.
Thank you for all the prayers for healing for me. I really appreciate it. Yesterday when my grandmother was over she took to calling me "Job" I appreciate the sentiment, but there is a LOT of stuff Job went through that I REALLY do not want to go through. For this fact I am glad God promises to never give us more than we can bear... makes me kind of impressed He's trusted me with so much thus far. I wonder what He wants me to do with it?
Pray for a safe trip for Lisa tomorrow!