I had ever intention last night when I went to bed of getting up this morning and going to work. (I had a sneaking suspicion that Taproot had need of me) This morning, however, proved to be harder than I thought it would be. I woke UP feeling fatigued. Tell me that's not supposed to happen. I knew when Lisa's alarm went off and I had this kind of tied feeling in my chest that this morning was NOT a morning in which I was going to make it to work.
I've effectively been worn out all day. This does not mean though that this hasn't been a productive day. I was able to sort through all the email I had accumulated from being gone for 2 weeks at TTC, fixed some phone issues there, and seriously considered what else needed doing at the 'root.
Tomorrow will be car-less for me, but I have every intention, again, of attempting to go into work. Hopefully I can grab the up-swing of feeling good and start feeling stronger again and do some of those jobs that I enjoy so much.
Nancy, my mother-in-law, made an interesting comment last night that I hadn't really thought about before. She asked if I felt like I have been recovering from a hard flu. Well, the answer is yes, I do feel like that, however if got me to thinking. It's effectively almost the same thing. My body is fighting of a virus, weather that is the chicken-pox virus or any other kind of virus my body has allocated resources to beat the bad bugs back. No wonder I've been feeling tired. Just because I haven't felt SICK doesn't mean my body hasn't been fighting. I have a little better grasp now if why I felt so horrible.
The shingles themselves now are starting to look on the old side. I thought they looked nasty at the peak of the pain. Nope. Anyway, that was probably approaching TMI for a lot of you. (Maybe even myself honestly)
I spent a good part of today reading up on various programming things. First it was Javascript, then I had an interest in PHP, but realized that I needed a bit more programming chops before I tackled that, so I dusted off a book on Perl I have and started reading that. Maybe this time instead of saying I am going to learn to program and then finding anything BUT that to do, I will actually learn something and further my career and actually be able to start some of the projects I have in mind to get started.
Thank you all for the continued prayers for healing. My appointment with the doctor is coming up and I am not overly excited about it. Thank you all!